PSS News

PSS News

We are excited to share with you what's happening at PSS!

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Which Type of Volleyball System Is Right for Your Facility?

Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world, so it’s no surprise that there are endless equipment options and styles available on the market. So just how do you choose? Consider your facility size and layout, play level, multi-sport accessibility, and b... > read more

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GARED Partners with NRPA to Revitalize New Orleans Greenway

GARED continued its mission as an advocate for play in local communities at the grand opening of Lemann Park in New Orleans in September, as a part of the National Recreation and Park Association's latest Parks Build project. ... > read more

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500 Festival's Kickoff to May

GARED was thrilled to be a part of the 500 Festival's Kickoff to May, as the city of Indianapolis gears up for the Indy 500 in a just a few weeks!  ... > read more

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5 Safety Products You Need In Your Gymnasium

Providing safe sports equipment is crucial for the enjoyment and protection of players, fans, and personnel in your facility. As always, it’s important to have a certified installer routinely inspect your sports equipment to assess its condition, make recommendations... > read more

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L.A. Clippers Donate to Revitalize City Basketball Courts

In an effort to improve youth fitness and access to sports, the L.A. Clippers Foundation announced that they would be making a donation to the L.A. Parks Foundation to be used for the renovation of nearly 350 basketball courts throughout the city. ... > read more

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How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Backboard

High-quality institutional sports equipment can be a strain on facility budgets if equipment needs to be replaced frequently due to purchasing incorrect products or improper installation. Check out our tips for getting the most out of your basketball backboards to ke... > read more